
IELTS Writing Part Two Structure: Conclusions

The conclusion is probably the easiest part of your IELTS writing part two. However, conclusions are still important to get right for several reasons. They play an important structural role in your essay. They're also important because the final impression is memorable. Finally, if something is easy, you should be trying to do it perfectly!

The Three elements of IELTS writing conclusions

For your IELTS writing part two conclusion, you need three things:

  • To let the reader know your essay is coming to an end.
  • To restate your main argument.
  • To recap the main points from your body paragraphs.

Let your reader know your essay is ending

There is very little to say about this one. You just need to start your conclusion with ‘To conclude,’ or ‘In conclusion,’. Because these are introductory clauses, you need the comma at the end.

Restate your main point

Naturally, it’s important to give a conclusion in your conclusion! Your conclusion should be the same one as the one in your thesis statement in your introduction. However, don’t just copy every word you used in your thesis statement. You should express the same idea in different language. In our article on IELTS introductions, our thesis statement was that commuting ’causes more negative effects than positive effects’, so for our conclusion, we should use language like ’causes more harm than good’. This gives the same idea without us repeating ourselves.

Recap your body paragraphs

It’s good for coherence and cohesion to have a clear thread running through your essay. To do this you should recap your main points from your body paragraphs. In our article on IELTS body paragraphs, we made two points about congestion causing air pollution and traffic congestion. Therefore, we should use the same points in our conclusion.

How to write the conclusion

Let’s put these three elements together into a conclusion. While the first element, the ‘in conclusion’, is always first. The second two parts can go either way round. If we’re following the order above, we could write something like:

In conclusion, an increase in commuting does more harm than good because of its effects on traffic congestion and air pollution.

However, we could just as easily switch the last two elements around to write:

In conclusion, an increase in commuting has negative effects on traffic congestion and air pollution. Therefore, it does more harm than good.

Neither of these is better than the other and you should pick whichever you prefer.

We hope this guide was useful for you. Let us know how you get on writing your own IELTS conclusions by leaving a comment below. You can also leave a comment if you have any questions.

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