
Task One Essay: Transportation in England

Today’s task one essay looks at a table with a fairly unique problem: there’s a lot of information to include. When this happens, it’s important to be able to pick out the most important information. On this page you’ll find the band nine essay about transportation, a list of all the vocabulary used and a guide to structure and grammar.

If Sentences for IELTS Writing (with examples)

One important type of grammar to use in the IELTS writing test is an ‘if sentence’, sometimes called a ‘conditional’ or an ‘if clause’. These are incredibly flexible and once you know how to use them, you will be able to use them in almost any IELTS essay you write. There are four main types of these which are called zero, first, second and third. Each of these has a different grammatical structure and expresses something different.

A Famous Garden in your City: IELTS Cue Card

Visiting a garden is a popular activity in many countries. A garden is a little different to a park as it is usually a bit smaller, is more focused on seeing plants and is often attached to a house. A park is more likely to have other facilities like playgrounds and football fields. This IELTS cue card will show you how you could answer if you were asked about a garden in the IELTS speaking exam. Keep scrolling for a look a list of useful vocabulary from the answer.

A Skill that Was Difficult to Learn: IELTS Cue Card

If you are feeling nervous about the IELTS speaking exam, using cue cards can be a helpful way to prepare. Although you cannot bring cue cards into the actual exam, they can be a useful tool for getting familiar all of the topics that might come up, learning new vocabulary, and practicing speaking by reading them aloud. This cue card looks at learning a skill that was difficult for you to learn. Keep scrolling for a list of vocabulary you can learn from this answer.

A cafe you like to visit: IELTS cue card

Going to a cafe is one of the most popular activities worldwide. You probably have an idea what your favorite cafe is, but would you be able to describe it while showing off your IELTS skills? On this page, you can check out my IELTS speaking answer to a question about my favourite cafe. Keep scrolling to see some answers to task three questions and a full list of the interesting vocabulary from these answers.

Online Sales: IELTS Band Nine Pie Chart model Essay

Pie charts are a type of chart that show amounts as proportions. In IELTS writing task one, you’ll typically be asked to look at two pie charts representing different dates and explain the differences between them. This sample essay will show you what a high-level answer looks like. Keep scrolling to see how you can describe amounts in a pie chart without just copying the question.

IELTS favourite movie cue card

Everyone thinks they know how to describe a movie, but could you do it while showing off your English vocabulary? If you’re preparing for the IELTS exam, you might have to. That’s why I put together this IELTS cue card where I describe my favourite movie. Keep scrolling for a list of all the interesting vocabulary in the answer.

IELTS Crowded place cue card

If you are worried about the IELTS speaking exam, cue cards can be a great help. Of course, you can’t take a cue card into the exam with you, but you can use them to get an idea of what topics might come up, to find out about new vocabulary and to practice speaking by reading them out loud. This cue card looks at describing a crowded place. Keep scrolling for some follow up part three questions and some useful vocabulary.