
Online Sales: IELTS Band Nine Pie Chart model Essay

Pie charts are a type of chart that show amounts as proportions. In IELTS writing task one, you’ll typically be asked to look at two pie charts representing different dates and explain the differences between them. This sample essay will show you what a high-level answer looks like. Keep scrolling to see how you can describe amounts in a pie chart without just copying the question.

IELTS laundry step-by-step process diagram

I came across this IELTS task one process diagram question recently on Facebook and thought that it looked really hard! It can be easy as an IELTS tutor to just pick interesting questions where it is easy to show off some good techniques, so I thought it would be a good idea to do the best possible job with a less than ideal question. After all, IELTS students don’t get to cherry pick questions; why should teachers?

IELTS Line Graph (Writing Task One Academic)

Line graphs are the most common IELTS academic task one question type. They can also be one of the hardest types to answer. On this page, you can check out my sample answer for an especially tricky line graph question and find out why it is worth a band nine.

IELTS Task One Process Diagram

If you’re looking to improve your IELTS task one writing, you’ve come to the right place. On this page you can find a band nine model answer for an IELTS task one process diagram question. You’ll also find useful structure and vocabulary to answer this question type.

IELTS Task One Map model answer

Have you ever wondered how to describe a map in IELTS task one? You’re in the right place. On this page you can find an example of an IELTS academic task one model answer, a breakdown of how to answer maps questions and useful vocabulary for describing a map.