
Essay of the Week: Are experiences or possessions more important?

Our band nine sample essays give you the opportunity to learn from successful essays that show off the best structure, vocabulary and grammar. This agree or disagree essay asks you to compare experiences with material possessions.

Some people believe that spending money on experiences is more important than material possessions. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Today, many people prioritise spending their income on having a good time instead of on buying things. In this essay, I will argue that it is better to focus on activities you enjoy rather than consumerism. First, because experiences are more interesting, and second, because it is impractical to focus on shopping. 

First, a life full of experiences is more interesting than one full of possessions. If someone has had a lot of fascinating experiences, such as going on vacation to many places or attending lots of events, they will always have lots of memories of doing those things. However, although someone might enjoy material goods when they first buy them, they will quickly lose their initial interest. In addition, it is easier to make friends through doing things than through owning things, so people who focus on having experiences are more likely to have an interesting circle of friends with similar interests.

Second, focusing on possessions can be impractical. Owning things means having somewhere to store them and this can lead to a cluttered house. For example, if someone enjoys collecting vinyl records, they may quickly run out of shelf space and end up with records all over the house. Furthermore, because people tend to care about their possessions, deciding what to throw away when decluttering can be a painful decision.

In conclusion, I believe that a life full of experiences is preferable to one full of material goods. First, because experiences are more interesting, and second because a life based around possessions can be impractical.

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