
Essay of the Week: Should you raise children in the city or countryside?

Our band nine sample essays give you the opportunity to learn from successful essays that show off the best structure, vocabulary and grammar. This 'two sides and an opinion' essay is about if an urban or rural environment is better for children.

Some people believe it is better to raise children in a city, while others believe the countryside is better. Compare both points of view and give your own opinion.

Many parents are concerned about whether it is better to bring up their children in an urban or rural setting. In this essay, I will compare an advantage of cities that they allow for more cultural experiences with an advantage of the countryside that it allows kids to connect with nature. I will conclude that it is better to raise kids in the city. 

First, the city allows for more cultural experiences than the countryside. Because cities are more densely populated, they tend to have more art galleries, museums and theatres. As a result, children who grow up in cities have more access to cultural experiences, which can be beneficial to their education, than those who grow up in the countryside. For example, if you grow up in a city, you are more likely to be able to visit many museums and art galleries to improve your knowledge or art and history.

Conversely, raising children in the country means they will be more able to connect with nature. For children who grow up there, there are many places to explore, such as forests, canals, rivers and lakes. When children grow up around these features, the experience can help children learn about wildlife and the natural world. In addition, if they grow up near farms, they can learn more about where their food comes from, which can give them a deeper appreciation for it.

To conclude, while cities have more cultural opportunities for young people, rural areas have more nature. For me, because it is becoming increasingly easy to learn about culture online, I think it is better to raise children in the countryside than the city.

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